Re: Practical question: elements or attributes?

Thanks Felix,

That's basically what I meant by a "bundle of attributes", but you are right that it doesn't look nice.

I guess this question doesn't need to be resolved immediately, but for the sake of consistency, I will take the "ugly" approach in the examples I draft (unless they are already done the other way) and we can discuss in Dublin. I will also use the "its-" prefix as you show below.



Sic scripsit Felix Sasaki in Apr 17, 2012 ad 11:25 :

> Hi Arle all (still on vacation, just lurking),
> it doesn't look nice, but you can mimic elements with attributes. E.g., instead of
> <myElem someAttr="">...</myElem>
> have in HTML5
> <span its-myElem its-someAttr="">
> Felix

Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2012 09:32:05 UTC