[terminology resource] expand this category?

At present terminology resource is used to identify an (external) terminology resource. Could we expand this to become a language resource category? After all, a terminology resource is one type of language resource and at present we do not have a category to specify that the process should use a certain MT corpus or TM repository, so what if we change this to the following model:

Identifies the appropriate language resources to be used for translation or other language-related tasks

data model
•	type: (terminology|corpus|TM){1,1}
•	location: uri of resource{1,1}
•	format: text string identifying the format (e.g., "Multiterm", "TBX", "TMX"){1,1}
•	id: id value used to bind other metadata to this item.{1,1}
•	description: text description {0,1}

Any objection to generalizing this?


Received on Friday, 13 April 2012 11:32:26 UTC