Re: [ACTION-42]: Provide some input on the scripting issue

thanks for this Pedro. I've closed the action. As we have the related 
ISSUE_5 open we can discuss how to proceed in the TC under this.

On 04/04/2012 18:48, Pedro L. Díez Orzas wrote:
> Dear all,
> This action is related to [ISSUE-5]: Scripting content, which is 
> related itself with including a "best practices" section in the MLW-LT 
> Metadata Standard document. If we go ahead with this section, this 
> list needs to be completed and revised. We suggest if possible to 
> leave open the "best practices" section during the implantation phases 
> of the use cases of the mlw-lt metatada. This could maybe allow us to 
> transmit more near experiences and best practices as result of using 
> the mlw-lt metadata.
> In this sense, we provide some input for three scenarios: script 
> content, CMS, and published pages:
> *1) Scripting content best practices*
> The basic principle is to use patterns to treat (remove, import, 
> insert, etc ) text strings to translate.
> a.- Server-side (PHP, ASP, etc.) scripting language recommendation: 
> Grouping the literal text and messages in text files, such as 
> properties or other types of repositories as a DB, it is recommended, 
> not in the code.
> b.- Client side (e.g. JavaScript) scripting laguage recommendation; 
> two cases:
> (i) Literals may exist in both JS files as JavaScript code embedded in 
> HTML code. For this you can generate an array of literals. This case 
> is not really practical for the developer. For example, the literal is 
> inserted into the first line the code:
> var myLiterals= ["Click here", "More", "Back"];
> (ii) Data structures are used and are marked with tags. This indicates 
> that only need to translate all the text in quotes (eg "Name") in the 
> comments JS_texts (with / ****). This case is functional and suitable 
> for the programmer but more complicated for the filtering by the 
> application or the CAT system (more complex regular expressions).:
> /*** JS_texts_begin ***/
> var APP.literales = {
>                 name: "Name",
>                 age: "Age"
> }
> /*** JS_texts_end ***/
> .
> :
> < JavaScript Code>
> :
> :
> *2) I18N best practices for CMS*
> a. Avoiding to mix different languages in texts of the same content.
> b. Providing the most complete possible contents for translation (eg 
> the ideal granularity for translation in Web content is the main body 
> of the page, eliminating the side menus, headers and footers).
> c. Contextualizing the translation of short texts, for example, 
> sections of a Web (section names, names of form fields, alerts the 
> user) or extraction of texts from applications.
> d. Using standard structured formats in exchange systems for B2B 
> translation type (for example, xml, xhtml...).
> e. Internationalizing the scripts.
> f. Avoiding the inclusion of script tags (jsp, php, asp, etc.) within 
> the tags of other languages (html, JavaScript).
> g. The same content in its various language versions being 
> horizontally accessible without having to go through another upper 
> categorie. To do this it should be referenced / related among then.
> h. Categorizing the content by type (news, calendar, restaurants ...)
> *3) I18N best practices for published web pages*
> a. Do not use styles or formatting tags (strong, em, etc), and apply 
> as much as possible styles with CSS and class attributes at the label 
> level.
> b. Do not use br tags to create vertical text, but always use CSS 
> style sheets.
> c. Use friendly URLs based on directories, never Query String (GET or 
> POST parameters)
> d. Use internationalized suffixes or directories in the paths for 
> static files, such as /images/ example_pt_br.jpg or 
> /images/pt_br/sample.jpg
> We hope it helps.
> Best,
> Pedro
> *__________________________________***
> **
> *Pedro L. Díez Orzas*
> *Presidente Ejecutivo/CEO*
> *Linguaserve Internacionalización de Servicios, S.A.*
> *Tel.: +34 91 761 64 60
> Fax: +34 91 542 89 28 *
> *E-mail: ** 
> <>***
> * <>*
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Received on Thursday, 5 April 2012 13:51:36 UTC