Update to test suite Translate, Element within-text and Target Pointer

Based on updates in the spec I have committed an update to the test suite
output files. This update  effects output files so implementers of this
category should update their output files accordingly.
This data category has been removed from the test suite.
*Translate (HTML 5):*
No change on output.

*Element within text:*
Updated the defaults in the HTML to fit in with the new defaults. *Note:There
is still some discussion on this category in relation to the head in HTML 5.
*Github Commit details:*

*Target Pointer:*
Old output had *its:param* variable in the output. This has been changed to
take in the value indicated by the* its:param* variable.
*Github Commit details:*


Received on Wednesday, 8 May 2013 16:14:19 UTC