RE: Errors in Elements Within Text and Target Pointer?

Hi Karl,

> still fighting with Elements within Text. The output in my implementers file was 
> because there is a default. 
> So I think there is a inconsistency between the defaults section and the test suite.
> Either its withinText="no"/"yes" for elements, but not for attributes 
> (In my mind, we should add this as in translate its statet out and in all 
> other categories with defaults its with attributes.) 
> or the test suite should be changed and withinText should be added to attributes as well.

The default doesn't mention attributes
It says:

For XML content: withinText="no". For HTML5 phrasing content: withinText="yes"

Are you saying we should explicitly state that the data category doesn't apply to attributes?
I guess we could, but that seems obvious from the data category itself, no?


Received on Tuesday, 7 May 2013 06:24:58 UTC