- From: Felix Sasaki <fsasaki@w3.org>
- Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 10:08:31 +0200
- To: multilingualweb-lt-partners@w3.org, public-multilingualweb-lt-tests@w3.org, public-multilingualweb-lt@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAL58czq-9qizjVrudPOFUP9QBoqrMKF9-NdKDMJkMbgt+oL_EA@mail.gmail.com>
Hi all, apologies for cross-posting, but below is important, so I want to make sure to have it on your radar. at Dom's Excel https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgIk0-aoSKOadG5HQmJDT2EybWVvVC1VbnF5alN2S3c#gid=0 I added milestones for the test suite and application development: - M1 (Test files reviewed - by 15 November) - M2 (test files partially run - by 15 December) - M3 (test files completely run - 31 January) - M4 (data category used in application - 11 March) The expectation for M1 and M2 is that each LT-Web partner starts running tests by mid December. The expectation for M3 and M4 is that at the March workshop we can run "bullet proof" implementations. Each data category now has a row "milestones". Please fill in "your" cell once the milestones are done. Thank you very much in advance, Felix 2012/10/1 Dominic Jones <Dominic.Jones@scss.tcd.ie> > Dear All. > > I have updated the test suite table in google doc format ( > https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgIk0-aoSKOadG5HQmJDT2EybWVvVC1VbnF5alN2S3c#gid=0) > and have added the names of those who offered to test data categories in > their implementations. The next step, as outlined in action ( > http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/track/actions/229) is > to fill in which of the features of each data category you are willing to > implement. Remember we need 2 commitments per feature not just per data > category. I have greyed out the data categories that we are still waiting > on for a final list of features, we'll come back to those at a later date. > > Could I ask the following WG members to commit to testing features and > record this in the google doc by this Friday the 5th of October: > > Shaun McCance (Invited Expert) > Declan Groves (CNGL/DCU) > Moritz Hellwig (Cocomore) > Pedro L. Díez Orzas (Linguaserve) > Tatiana Gornostay (Tilde) > Daniel Grasmick (Lucy S/W) > Milan Karásek (Moravia Worldwide) > Tadej Štajner (Jozef Stefan Institute) > David Filip (UL) > Serge Gladkoff (Lorgrus) > Des Oates (Adobe) > > Many thanks in advance, If you have any questions at all please send me a > mail. > > Dom. > > > > -- > Dominic Jones | Research Assistant > KDEG, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. > > > > > > -- Felix Sasaki DFKI / W3C Fellow
Received on Friday, 19 October 2012 08:09:04 UTC