Secure AND Convenient Web Payments

Secure AND Convenient Web Payments seems to be an unobtainable goal.  In fact, there has been major setbacks recently:

Rejection of W3C's tentative project for accessing security hardware from the web:

Exodus from W3C's SysApps:

"Outlawing" of NPAPI which have been used forever to enhance browsers:

Yes, there's a Web Payment IG but it doesn't have any [visible] browser vendor
support or a single assigned web browser architect.

It will be hard reaching the goals stated in:

One of the core problems is the lack of recognition of the fact that the web and
native worlds have entirely different characteristics.

As an example access to secure elements works in billions of mobile devices (SIM)
since ages ago, while it has (as shown above) failed on the web.

That is, it might be a better idea looking at "bridging" technologies rather than
(at any cost and time), trying to compete with things that already work.

Anders Rundgren

Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2015 16:29:57 UTC