- From: Agnieszka Ławrynowicz <agnieszka.lawrynowicz@cs.put.poznan.pl>
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 22:25:32 +0200
- To: MLW3C <mlw3c@googlegroups.com>, public-ml-schema@w3.org
Received on Monday, 26 September 2016 20:26:12 UTC
Dear All, Please, find below the minutes from the call (also included at [1]). **Minutes from the ML Schema call September 26, 2016** Decisions: The documentation of the ML Schema finalized within a week, then (after polishing) released to the W3C mailing list before ISWC2016. @Agnieszka will integrate last bits and pieces, including the material from @Pance and then asking everybody for proof-reading. @Tommaso - to check whether openml2rdf code could be also released shortly. Regards and cheers, Agnieszka [1] https://github.com/ML-Schema/core/wiki/Call-minutes <https://github.com/ML-Schema/core/wiki/Call-minutes> PS. The next call is planned in two weeks: September 10, 2016
Received on Monday, 26 September 2016 20:26:12 UTC