Re: 8. Are prefixes/namespaces allowed?

On 05/09/2012 08:04, Stephen D Green wrote:
> Sorry to be a bit late to the party.
Sorry to be even later.
> I'd like both parties to be able to parse this very
> common variety of XML document:
> <abc xmlns:xsi="..." xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="...">
> ...
> </abc>
Lurking in on these conversations, it seems to me that the group is in 
danger of deciding to include a feature if there is evidence of existing 
XML users who use it. The inevitable consequence of that, I fear, would 
be that the specification will be such a large subset of XML that it 
serves no useful purpose. A better criterion might be to include a 
feature only if there is no alternative practical way of meeting the 
same requirement.

Michael Kay

Received on Wednesday, 5 September 2012 07:28:06 UTC