Re: MicroXML and Json

Dave Pawson scripsit:

> For me, transformation to and from json should not drive MicroXML
> decisions, since it is clearly not a loss free translation.

There are loss-free translations, though:  JSONx allows MicroXML ->
JSON -> MicroXML without loss, whereas JSONML allows JSON -> MicroXML ->
JSON without loss.  They are defined in terms of full XML, but don't
really handle or make use of anything but elements, attributes, and
character content.  This is another good example of where MicroXML is
already in use without being named or specified.

John Cowan
Female celebrity stalker, on a hot morning in Cairo:
"Imagine, Colonel Lawrence, ninety-two already!"
El Auruns's reply:  "Many happy returns of the day!"

Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2012 14:09:07 UTC