Re: MicroXML should support PHP et al?

Dave Pawson scripsit:

> The discussions about PI's relates somewhat to using MicroXML for
> PHP (are there others that use PI's or variants?).

For me the compelling case is xml-stylesheet, which is a needed hook if
MicroXML documents that *don't* look like HTML are ever to be delivered
to browsers.  I'm willing to leave this out of the data model and just
say it's a decoration used to fit MicroXML into the XML world.  For the
same reason, allowing it only in the prolog is fine with me.

There is also the forthcoming xml-model PI, syntactically like
xml-stylesheet, which will finally allow a document to point to one or
more schemas (of any type).  This latter is being driven by ISO rather
than W3C, so it's still in progress; there is a W3C Note documenting
it at which will be
updated when the ISO work is complete.  Again, this is more of an XML
compatibility decoration (as "<DOCTYPE html>" is an HTML compatibility
declaration) than something a MicroXML application would interpret.

John Cowan
In might the Feanorians / that swore the unforgotten oath
brought war into Arvernien / with burning and with broken troth.
and Elwing from her fastness dim / then cast her in the waters wide,
but like a mew was swiftly borne, / uplifted o'er the roaring tide.
        --the Earendillinwe

Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2012 14:05:45 UTC