Re: xml:* attributes

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 11:01 AM, David Carlisle <> wrote:

> On 16/08/2012 17:38, John Cowan wrote:
>> Again, too rigid for me.  Why not say that "p" elements must work or
>> be banned?
>> Anyway, what counts as "working"?  The xml:id spec is careful not to
>>  require that xml:id values be unique, though it does require that
>> they be NCNames.  (I was against that requirement myself, but it was
>> pointed out that upper layers might break if they got ids that were
>> not NCNames; still, in the absence of validation this is still
>> possible).
> p isn't mentioned in the micro-xml spec (and rightly so:-)

Nor is xml:id in the current discussion.

> Furthermore if someone were taking the output from a micro-xml parser
> and making an html renderer they would have enough information about p
> from the information in the micro-xml data model reported by the parser.
> (Just whether it is there or not).
> If the micro-xml spec specifically allows xml:id attributes in the
> syntax the micro-xml parser should report enough information in the data
> model to make it work.

Why is reporting the attribute value not enough?

> Allowing them in the syntax but defining a data model that doesn't hold
> enough information to make them work seems a strange choice to me.

This seems a strange characterization to me. The xml:id layer would have
everything they would need, unless I'm missing something.

> The only reason for wanting to call your attribute xml:id rather than
> foo is to make it act like an ID. If we are not going to put ID typing
> in the data model then we should ban xml:id attributes.

It would go in the data model at the xml:id layer as an ID annotation.
 Again this concept is covered in the xml:id spec itself.

Uche Ogbuji             
Founding Partner, Zepheira

Received on Thursday, 16 August 2012 17:10:52 UTC