Re: The xml: prefix in attributes

On 14 August 2012 15:57, Uche Ogbuji <> wrote:
> I propose that MicroXML support at least the xml: prefix in attributes.  For
> this iteration this would be the only allowed use of colons in attribute
> names.
> For me the biggest reason for this is to support xml:lang, though I think
> xml:space and xml:id are also very useful to support (whether or not these
> are covered in the spec and data model is a different question).  xml:base
> has also come up.

-1, on the priciple that it is extra baggage. The feature can be achieved
more simply, lang='de' etc. Also that it is an exception "The only use of :..."

Micro XML?


Dave Pawson
Docbook FAQ.

Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2012 06:33:37 UTC