Michael Kay, could you make a comment on the relationship/differences/utility of FtanML vs. uxml?

After a few minutes with the description of FTanML (http://dev.saxonica.com/blog/mike/2012/08/index.html#000193) I feel like I understand it and already know places where I would use it right now if some basic tools were available. But they are the same places I see myself using uxml or xml for that matter. But I think I would spend less time typing, fixing and explaining what I had done to others if I used FTanML.

BTW, I'm not a "deep thinker"... it's hard for me to see the implications of things like having or not having a document element for example, I mostly look at things in terms of how I can use them to build something else.


Received on Tuesday, 14 August 2012 13:40:28 UTC