Re: Subset Data Model

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 5:56 AM, David Carlisle <> wrote:

> you need _something_ at
> the level of data-model (or infoset) (or something) if you want to say
> micro-xml has any relationship at all to XML.

Can you suggest another design goal to add to


At the moment, we have

1. The syntax of MicroXML shall be a subset of XML 1.0
2. MicroXML shall define a data model as well as a syntax

The best I can think of at the moment is to change 2 to:

2. MicroXML shall specify a data model and a mapping from the syntax to the
data model, which shall be substantially consistent with XML 1.0

This is purposefully a bit vague, but at least recognizes the issue of
compatibility at the data model level.


Received on Tuesday, 14 August 2012 03:28:18 UTC