Re: Media Fragment URI Syntax: 3 polls now open

Hi Silvia,

> Firstly I have another feedback on the TRBL specification: in CSS you
> can specify negative numbers to go outside the given area. So, the
> "Pro" on "not possible to crop outside the media" is not quite
> correct.

Yes it is correct because we consider only positive int, (0,0) is 
top-left of the image. We might want to add another case where we allow 
negative int too, but we have excluded this possibility in Ghent as far 
as I remember, unfortunately, no trace :-( I'm happy to open the discussion.

> Could everybody please review their answers to this particular poll
> given these backgrounds? In particular since most answers are: choice
> of xywh because "it is most common" or "it is in use by CSS" both of
> which are incorrect.

Sorry, I thought I had modified the question so this cons disappear (I 
haven't save the page apparently). But now the question should be more 

XYWH (aka. Top, Left, width, height):,20,20,20
     * Pro: common
     * Cons: need to specify whether w goes left/right and h goes 
up/down for xy position, could crop outside the media

TRBL (aka. Top, Right, Bottom, Left):,20,20,40
     * Pro: common (used by CSS), not possible to crop outside the media 
(assuming positive int)
     * Sometimes confusing

... because there are people who really think that starting top right 
and ending bottom left is not the natural way to select a region :-)
Best regards.


Raphaël Troncy
CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science),
Science Park 123, 1098 XG Amsterdam, The Netherlands
e-mail: &
Tel: +31 (0)20 - 592 4093
Fax: +31 (0)20 - 592 4312

Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2009 22:58:28 UTC