Re: SMIL section of state-of-the-art document done

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 9:32 PM, Jack Jansen <> wrote:
> On 21-Nov-2008, at 01:07 , Dave Singer wrote:
>> At 13:31  +0100 27/10/08, Jack Jansen wrote:
>>> There's a problem with 4-tuples for rectangles (that I've already touched
>>> upon in the piece of text) and that is that sometimes it's intended to be
>>> x,y,w,h and sometimes it's l,t,r,b (or x1,y1,x2,y2 which is usually the
>>> same).
>> there are plenty of systems that use TLBR (top left bottom right) as well.
>>  I'd say that using a 4-tuple without explicitly tagging which is which
>> might be dangerous!
> Sigh:-)
> So, we should indeed somehow tag our rectangles, i.e.
> xxxx#xywh=100,100,10,10 as opposed to xxxx#rect=100,100,10,10

Why not prescribe one single meaning and run with it?

E.g. margin in css goes TRBL (yes, another version again :).
For people that cannot cope with that, there is
margin-left, margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, but margin is an
abbreviation where the order defines which it maps to.

I just don't understand why we need to care about the way the order is
specified in other systems. People have to adapt their way of thinking
to the context always anyway. One fixed way will make it less
confusing IMO.



Received on Friday, 21 November 2008 11:46:59 UTC