Re: SMIL section of state-of-the-art document done

On 21-Nov-2008, at 01:07 , Dave Singer wrote:

> At 13:31  +0100 27/10/08, Jack Jansen wrote:
>> There's a problem with 4-tuples for rectangles (that I've already  
>> touched upon in the piece of text) and that is that sometimes it's  
>> intended to be x,y,w,h and sometimes it's l,t,r,b (or x1,y1,x2,y2  
>> which is usually the same).
> there are plenty of systems that use TLBR (top left bottom right) as  
> well.  I'd say that using a 4-tuple without explicitly tagging which  
> is which might be dangerous!


So, we should indeed somehow tag our rectangles, i.e.  
xxxx#xywh=100,100,10,10 as opposed to xxxx#rect=100,100,10,10

Jack Jansen, <>,
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Received on Friday, 21 November 2008 10:33:42 UTC