Re: SMIL section of state-of-the-art document done

On 21-Nov-2008, at 12:46 , Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:

>>> there are plenty of systems that use TLBR (top left bottom right)  
>>> as well.
>>> I'd say that using a 4-tuple without explicitly tagging which is  
>>> which
>>> might be dangerous!
>> Sigh:-)
>> So, we should indeed somehow tag our rectangles, i.e.
>> xxxx#xywh=100,100,10,10 as opposed to xxxx#rect=100,100,10,10
> Why not prescribe one single meaning and run with it?
> E.g. margin in css goes TRBL (yes, another version again :).
> For people that cannot cope with that, there is
> margin-left, margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, but margin is an
> abbreviation where the order defines which it maps to.
> I just don't understand why we need to care about the way the order is
> specified in other systems. People have to adapt their way of thinking
> to the context always anyway. One fixed way will make it less
> confusing IMO.

Maybe I was unclear, but that was my suggestion too. But I suggest we  
not only decide on one option, but also make sure people are reminded  
which one we've chosen, by using a mnemonic name.

Jack Jansen, <>,
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Received on Friday, 21 November 2008 12:11:16 UTC