Timed Media WG discussion


The Chairs have suggested that we use some of our time at the F2F next
week [1] to determine our approach with regard to the proposed new Timed
Media Working Group, and have asked that I organize that discussion.

So here are a few pointers and questions that I think would be useful to
discuss next week:
* Timed Media Working Group proposed charter:

* its call for review at

* the said charter includes some provisions that would enable the Media
Capture Task Force to move some or all of its work to the newly formed WG:
> Media Capture
>  The WebRTC and Device APIs Working Groups have been
>  collaborating in the Media Capture Task force on the development of
>  specifications that enable the capture and processing of media
>  streams. Upon the request of these groups, the Timed Media Working
>  Group may adopt the further development and maintenance of these
>  specifications.

* while the group hasn't formed yet, it would be useful to start 
thinking which specs we might want to move there; the relevant specs are:
- Media Capture and Streams
- MediaStream Recording
- MediaStream Image Capture
- Media Capture Depth Stream Extensions
- Media Capture from DOM Elements
- Audio output devices API
- Screen Capture
( - MediaStream with worker )

* Pros of moving specs there:
- less work for us (let us focus more on WebRTC itself)
- better integration of mediastreams with the rest of the platform

* Cons:
- we lose direct control on the progress of the specs (both in terms of 
content and schedule)
- some of the intricacies of the design of mediastreams might get tricky 
to transmit

* Part of the question includes who from the Task Force would 
participate in the new WG; esp. among editors of the relevant specs

* Options for consideration:
- we move all the media capture work to there ASAP
- we move everything but getUserMedia
- we move nothing there for the time being


1. https://www.w3.org/2011/04/webrtc/wiki/September_9_-_10_2015#Sept_9th

Received on Friday, 4 September 2015 13:06:37 UTC