Re: Timed Media Working Group and Media Capture Task Force

Hi Dom,

> On 07 Jul 2015, at 13:45, Dominique Hazael-Massieux <> wrote:
> As you may be aware, there are ongoing discussions on the chartering of a new media-dedicated Working Group in W3C:

> While there is still much uncertainty as to whether and when such a charter would be adopted, I have received suggestions that such a group might be the right host for some of the specifications developed in our Media Capture Task Force, should it happen that the WebRTC and Device APIs Working Group choose to stop working on them.
> I have thus prepared some text for the Timed Media Working Group charter that would enable them to pick up our work should we choose to ask it:

> This doesn't force us to move it there at any time, nor does it grant any special right to that would-be new group — it would simply make it easy to do so if we were to choose such an option.
> Given this, and given that the resulting charter would go through an AC review in any case, I'm going to send that suggestion as a pull request tomorrow; but if someone can think of a strong reason why I should not do so, please let me know ASAP.

+1 in support.

My expectation is this means the proposed Timed Media WG does not need to go through rechartering (which can be costly) should it adopt the deliverables of the TF ("The Timed Media Working Group may produce specifications for the following features").

> (sorry for the short heads-up, but as some of you know, getting all stars to line up for a charter is a challenge)



Received on Tuesday, 7 July 2015 16:13:37 UTC