Re: List attention: Meaning of bare values in "advanced" constraints?

On 10/02/15 12:52, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
> Jan-Ivar raised the following issue in the tracker:
> The construct under discussion is this:
>   var  constraints=
>    {
>      width:  {min:  640,  ideal:  1280},
>      height:  {min:  480,  ideal:  720},
>      advanced:  [{width:  1920,  height:  1280},
>                 {aspectRatio:  1.3333333333}]
>    };
> The question is: are the bare values in "advanced" intended as "exact"
> or "ideal"?
> If "ideal", the algorithm needs to specify how to deal with multiple
> "ideal" values for the same list of constraints - which one applies?
> If "exact" (which was clearly intended by the example originally), the
> algorithm needs to specify that bare values are exact in one context and
> ideal in the other. Dom has a pull request doing this here, with some
> discussion:
> Before we fixate on exact text, it seems good to verify what the WG wants.
> Are we happy to see bare values mean "ideal" in top level and "exact" in
> "advanced"?

(contributor hat) yes.

> Harald

Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2015 12:49:50 UTC