Re: Strawman Promises consensus position, based on Thursday's telechat

"I can live with it"

On Oct 3, 2014, at 6:00 AM, Harald Alvestrand wrote:

> <<At the end of Thursday's telechat, there was still no smooth consensus of the TF detected.
> However, there was a position proposed that might serve as something people could live with.
> I've tried to capture it below; I'd like people on the list to reply with one of:
> "I can live with it"
> "I cannot live with it"
> This is done in order to get a sense of the group - I have a feel, but want it verified.
> I'm sure there will be other comments. Bring them on.
> --------------
> On
>           the promises, the following is the strawman consensus
>           position:
> In
>           the version of getusermedia that gets sent out for Last Call,
>           we make the following changes:
> navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia
>               gets changed to return a promise.
> applyConstraint
>               returns a promise.
> enumerateDevices
>               returns a promise.
> navigator.getUserMedia
>               has callbacks
> We
>               do not re-discuss whether or not to remove
>               navigator.getUserMedia from the spec in the foreseeable
>               future (2 years?)
> <<< note: I'm not sure if the next piece belongs or not. It serves to make the definition complete,
> and was certainly described in Jan-Ivar's slides. Comments welcome. >>>
> The
>           definition of navigator.getUserMedia in the spec will be that
>           it will behave exactly like:
> navigator.prototype.getUserMedia
>           = function(constraints, success, failure) {
>             var p = navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints);
>             p.then(success, failure);
>         }
> -------------
> Fire away!

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2014 14:44:54 UTC