Re: CfC: only allow authenticated origins to call getUserMedia

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 1:12 AM, Anne van Kesteren <> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 8:00 PM, Justin Uberti <> wrote:
> > These are just some arbitrarily selected examples. The point is that
> short
> > term breakage would not be insignificant.
> There's ways to mitigate that. E.g. by phasing it out over some period
> of time and clearly communicating this to developers.
> > While I agree that we should encourage web developers to upgrade to
> > singling out WebRTC developers seems like the wrong way to go about this.
> 1) WebRTC developers are not being singled out. Authenticated origin
> is used by service workers, the push API, background synchronization,
> persistent notifications, crypto (in Chrome), autofilling of forms,
> subresource integrity, and hopefully geolocation. There's probably
> some that I'm missing here.
> 2) You are prioritizing developers over end users. I have a hard time
> believing that even though end users gave their consent, they knew
> they implicitly gave their consent that every passive/active network
> attacker could listen to them and watch them in real time.

It is not generally true that *passive* network attackers will be able to
or listen to users in real-time, even if gUM is used without an
origin. The reason for this is that gUM merely makes a media stream
available to the JS, but doesn't send it anywhere other than the local
machine. In order for the media stream to be transmitted over the
network, it must either be:

1. Sent over connection established via PeerConnection. All of these are
encrypted using an end-to-end key establishment mechanism that is
intended to resist passive attackers. This is the way that all WebRTC
calling and conferencing type apps work.

2. Recorded via the Recording API and then directly exfiltrated. This
might or might not be over HTTPS

Note that there are a number of applications (e.g., recording studio,
2-d bar code readers, etc.) that can be implemented purely on the
user's computer without pushing any data to the server.


> --

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2014 13:57:33 UTC