Den 08. okt. 2014 00:23, skrev Martin Thomson:
> On 6 October 2014 23:28, Adam Bergkvist <> wrote:
>> There's one point above that says "navigator.getUserMedia has callbacks".
>> Should this be reflected in the document, and if so, how?
> I believe that navigator.getUserMedia should be defined as being equivalent to:
> navigator.getUserMedia = function(constraints, successCallback,
> failureCallback) {
> let result = navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints);
> result.then(successCallback, failureCallback);
> return result;
> }
> This removes successCallback and failureCallback from the promise
> chain, but it also ensures that you don't get any weird problems when
> the callbacks return promises, or throw exceptions.
*OK, the difference between this and the original proposal on the thread
is that you return the promise, which makes the function fall under the
special rules for promise-returning functions. (or does it? This is
Javascript, not WebIDL).
So it's subtly different from the pre-Promise specification, but callers
who throw away the promise won't notice.
What weird behaviours are prevented by this change?