Re: New Editor's draft (v20140321)

On 3/23/14 3:41 PM, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
> On 03/21/2014 03:37 PM, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote:
>> On 3/21/14 9:07 AM, Adam Bergkvist wrote:
>>> Added native settings to tracks.
>> Use-case please? Where was this discussed? It is unclear what this is 
>> intended to solve.
>> Looking at the language for getNativeSettings(), I have concerns 
>> about this API: " Note that both the track settings and the native 
>> settings are snapshots and can change without application involvement."
>> Native settings that can change. Are we supposed to poll reactively 
>> for changes to "native" settings after we've already gotten the wrong 
>> thing? That seems awfully late. I would think that what's native 
>> about any source (or anything) would be almost entirely 
>> deterministic, and discoverable ahead of time, with something like 
>> getCapabilities().
>> So if anything, I think we're extending in the wrong place here.
>> I am, however, impressed by how this got in here so expediently. ;-)
> Just to un-impress you a bit :-) .... this is an attempt to put down a 
> concrete implementation of an understanding some of us reached at 
> discussions at the Berlin IETF, July 2013.
> The understanding was that there may be times where an app needs to 
> know what the state of the underlying source was, independent of the 
> properties of the tracks it's producing. I'm not sure how real that 
> need is, but we agreed at that time to try to express it in some 
> fashion; this is the first attempt.

OK so it hasn't been discussed here then? I'm happy to discuss: I read 
two questions in your statement, what the need is, and by when is it 
useful to have this information?

Also, I am still impressed. :-) Having a "first attempt" land in the 
spec no doubt makes for easier discussion - if any were to surface here 
- but I trust prudence is now taken to remove it again, if need be, 
based on lack of support, not lack of opposition.

> -- 
> Surveillance is pervasive. Go Dark.

.: Jan-Ivar :.

Received on Monday, 24 March 2014 13:42:55 UTC