On 12/16/14, 8:02 PM, Justin Uberti wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 3:18 PM, Martin Thomson
> <martin.thomson@gmail.com <mailto:martin.thomson@gmail.com>> wrote:
> You probably need to get someone with more DOM clue than I to look at
> this, but the use of a Promise-bearing setter for sinkId might be
> incompatible with established notions of using HTML attributes for
> this sort of thing. As currently specified, I assume that you could
> not support <video sinkId="foo"/>.
> We considered that, but ultimately decided on the Promise approach
> because it provides a reasonable failure semantic.
Just being a method that can throw gives it a reasonable failure
semantic, but why does it need to be asynchronous?
Like Martin, I'd expect push-back on a promise-returning set-method,
especially in HTMLMediaElement where other things in development
arguably have better reasons for being asynchronous and still aren't:
videoelement.srcObject = stream;
videoelement.onloadedmetadata = e => videoelement.play(); // stream
let stream = videoelement.captureStreamUntilEnded();
> And, of course, because I love Promises.
.: Jan-Ivar :.