Re: Initial draft of mediacapture-output spec posted

On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 3:18 PM, Martin Thomson <>
> You probably need to get someone with more DOM clue than I to look at
> this, but the use of a Promise-bearing setter for sinkId might be
> incompatible with established notions of using HTML attributes for
> this sort of thing.  As currently specified, I assume that you could
> not support <video sinkId="foo"/>.

We considered that, but ultimately decided on the Promise approach because
it provides a reasonable failure semantic. And, of course, because I love

> This also increases the fingerprinting surface (by a miniscule amount)
> if you can tell which of the enumerated audio output devices is the
> default just by creating an audio/video element and checking the value
> of sinkId.  I guess you could address that my making this only read
> what was written.

That seems like a good idea.

> I like the "do nothing" option for web audio.

Chris Wilson mentioned he prefers the sink ID to be passed as a param to
the AudioContext ctor. I updated the document with this as a new option.

> On 16 December 2014 at 14:49, Justin Uberti <> wrote:
> > View it at:
> > File issues, submit changes at:

Received on Wednesday, 17 December 2014 01:03:03 UTC