our own status code 562 in HTTP ...


Today during the call of the Request for a Transition to CR: API for 
Media Resources 1.0

The Director has rejected the Transition due to the MAWG response to the 
following comment sent during Last Call: use of HTTP 501

The MAWG response:

We have discussed this issue during the 12th Face-to-Face meeting and 
agreed that the 501 status code does not fit our needs. In order to have 
a clear semantic, we have decided to declare our own status code, as 
- Numerical Code: 562
- Textual description: Property not supported
- Example: only a subset of GET methods for properties implemented


as defined in our API spec

The Director said that we should have your agreement Yves, as HTTP spec 
editor, for this declaration of our own status code 562.

This is not part of the main HTTP 1.1 protocol, are there guidelines 
anywhere for implementing proprietary HTTP error codes?
If you agree we can proceed the Transition.

Or would you suggest another solution ?

We must solve this issue before moving the API spec forward.

Thanks for your help,


Received on Thursday, 22 September 2011 15:09:48 UTC