AW: Decision needed before exit LC

Dear all,

>Note also that I therefore renamed ma:isRelatedTo to ma:hasRelatedResource, in order to be consistent in our naming scheme.

In the latest MA ontology version (rev 34), ma:isRelatedTo is now defined as the inverse of ma:hasRelatedResource.
ma:isRelatedTo is only defined as ObjectProperty without domain/range assertions even though the definition of ma:hasRelatedResource includes a domain assertion, namely ma:MediaResource. 
From my point of view, missing corresponding domain/range assertions between these two properties could lead to confusion about the correct usage.
Therefore I suggest to add range ma:MediaResource to ma:isRelatedTo. Furthermore I would rename ma:isRelatedTo to ma:hasRelatedMediaResource, which would describe the semantics better.


Received on Thursday, 19 May 2011 10:45:41 UTC