Re: Participation at the Media Annotations WG Teleconf - 2011-03-22

Hello Thierry,

sending my late regrets - I am at a conference today. Also, the resolutions
you made during the call (even with only 5 participants) are very helpful
for working on the test files.


2011/3/22 Thierry MICHEL <>

> Hi all,
> Today we had only 5 participants to the  Media Annotations WG Teleconf:
> Werner, Florian, Piere-Antoine, Joakim and I.
> I had received only regrets from Mari Carmen ...
> Been a member of the Media Annotations Working Group means a certain amount
> of commitment: (please refer to our charter [1])
> "To be successful, the Media Annotations Working Group is expected to have
> 10 or more active participants for its duration. Effective participation to
> Media Annotations Working Group is expected to consume one work day per week
> for each participant; two days per week for editors."
> Please fulfill your commitment as stated above.
> If you are unable to attend the call please send regrets prior to the call.
> see my earlier email:
> [1]
> Thierry.
> Le 16/03/2011 10:05, Thierry MICHEL a écrit :
>> Hello everyone,
>> Please, watch the hour (one hour earlier) following the time shift in
>> US! [1] .
>> All the best
>> /Thierry
>> -------------------------------
>> 1. Convene
>> Media Annotations WG
>> Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 6294 ("MAWG") Alternative dial
>> numbers:
>> France (Nice): +
>> UK (Bristol) : +44.117.370.6152
>> IRC channel: #mediaann
>> Tuesday 2011-03-15 11:00-12:00 UTC, (ie, Amsterdam, Paris, Stockholm
>> *12:00*)
>> Regrets:Joakim
>> Chair: Thierry
>> Scribe: volunteer?
>> Minutes to appear:
>> 2. Next meeting
>> 2011/03/29
>> 3. Items
>> [A] Action items:
>> [B] 2nd Last Call Transition of the Ontology for Media Resource 1.0
>> i. Do we have any LC Comments? (Thierry)
>> [C] Metadata format files for the Ontology
>> i. Assigned editors:
>> ii. Schedule:
>> The 2nd LC will end on March 31th.
>> We should enter CR in April and try to exit CR (enter PR) by May or
>> early June.
>> Therefore these files should be provided at the latest end of May.
>> iii. Mapping, RDF and test-cases from Pierre-Antoine
>> iv. RDF example from Tobias:
>> [D] Revision of the API document (Florian/Werner have a new version)
>> updating the API document based on the conclusions from the last F2F.
>> i. Current version:
>> ii. Discuss the "three issues" identified (Werner, Florian):
>> Jean-Pierre: only a complete instance expressed in JSON is sufficient
>> 4. AOB
>> /TM
>> [1]

Received on Tuesday, 22 March 2011 13:16:25 UTC