Re: Metadata formats examples must be valid

Hi Thierry,

attached validating rdf files on [1].


On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 12:07 AM, Thierry MICHEL <> wrote:
> Silvia,
> Sorry I indeed forgot to add the references in my earlier email, but I am
> sure you know about the W3C validator ;-)
> [1]
> [2]
> Please run your files against these validator, it will inform what needs to
> be updated if necessary.
> I rather not make these changes myself, and prefer the editors to work on
> their files.
> Best,
> Thierry
> Le 16/06/2011 03:16, Silvia Pfeiffer a écrit :
>> Thierry,
>> You didn't provide your links for [1] and [2]. And you didn't list the
>> documents that are invalid.
>> Can you please provide additional information so we know what has to be
>> changed?
>> Alternatively, it's of course completely ok for you to make those
>> changes yourself in the spirit of keeping the various contributions in
>> sync.
>> Cheers,
>> Silvia.
>> On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 2:49 AM, Thierry MICHEL<>  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Thank you for your imput for the Testsuite for the Ontology for Media
>>> Resources 1.0
>>> I have been looking at the metadata formats examples associated with the
>>> associated RDF/OWL file for correspondence with the core properties.
>>> Here are my remarks:
>>> 1- For some examples, the XML file does not validate against the XML
>>> validation (well formed document)[1].
>>> -->  XML documents MUST be well formed.
>>> 2- Most of the RDF files do not validate against the RDF validator [2]
>>> -->  RDF documents MUST be valid
>>> 3- For some RDF file the URL of the corresponding example file are wrong:
>>> <rdf:Description rdf:about= ....
>>> or
>>> xml:base="...
>>> etc.
>>> -->  Please make sure the corresponding URL are right.
>>> Please review your contribution and make sure the 3 above requirements
>>> are
>>> fulfilled.
>>> We will be looking at these files during the next MAWG F2F in
>>> ERCIM/Sophia.
>>> Therefore please provide valid documents before this event 28/29 june.
>>> Best,
>>> Thierry.

Received on Friday, 17 June 2011 03:21:20 UTC