Re: RE : RE : multimedia metadata formats examples satus and update

Le 19/07/2011 19:32, Evain, Jean-Pierre a écrit :
> Thierry,
> The xmls haven't been changed but I added the UTF-8 declaration and the comments on authorship in the owl files. They validate on the Manchester OWL validator.

OK now published at
> You can mark them as compliant with the guidelines on the test suite page. I still have to edit the HTML pages.
OK let me know when you are done with the HTML pages.
> Jean-Pierre
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thierry MICHEL []
> Sent: mardi, 19. juillet 2011 08:28
> To: Evain, Jean-Pierre
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: RE : RE : multimedia metadata formats examples satus and update
> Jean Pierre,
> Be marked as so:
> "RDF Files marked in [green] are done as it pass the editors guidelines)".
> see
> Let me know if your files do conform to these guidelines and I will mark
> them as done.
> We will have a review latter on to check these files before going to PR.
> If you have write access just edit the HTML page and save it in place
> If you don't, just save the HTML file locally, edit it and send it back
> to me in an attachment. I will upload it.
> Best,
> Thierry.
> Le 18/07/2011 18:32, Evain, Jean-Pierre a écrit :
>> What do you mean by be marked as so?
>> How can I edit the page?
>> ________________________________________
>> De : Thierry MICHEL []
>> Date d'envoi : lundi, 18. juillet 2011 10:48
>> À : Evain, Jean-Pierre
>> Cc :
>> Objet : Re: RE : multimedia metadata formats examples satus and update
>> Jean-Pierre,
>> Thanks for your files. It is now published.
>> Are these conformant to the guidelines ?
>> and be marked as so ?
>> Also one last bit,  could you please update the "Tested" column in the
>> Mapping table for your format linked from
>> and you will be done.
>> Best,
>> Thierry
>> Le 17/07/2011 12:57, Evain, Jean-Pierre a écrit :
>>> Dear Michel,
>>> I have already sent the EBUCore.
>>> The extended TVA XML and RDF files are attached and have been validated by the Manchester OWL validator.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jean-Pierre
>>> ________________________________________
>>> De : [] de la part de Thierry MICHEL []
>>> Date d'envoi : vendredi, 8. juillet 2011 14:47
>>> À :
>>> Objet : multimedia metadata formats examples satus and update
>>> Dear RDF editors,
>>> Thank you for your work to provide multimedia metadata formats examples
>>> associated with RDF files. These are collected in our testsuite [1].
>>> During our last F2F WG meeting, we have checked these files. Currently
>>> a large number are either missing information, invalid, missing
>>> properties, etc.
>>> Please refer to the minutes of the F2F meeting, were each files has
>>> been scanned.
>>> As we must provide valid and complete RDF files to exit CR, we have
>>> written guidelines in order to achieve this goal.
>>> Please follow the 3 procedures from the guidelines:
>>>           1- RDF Example editing and validation
>>>           2- Examples  validation with the Media Ontology
>>>           3- Mapping table update
>>> As described in the guidelines [2].
>>> The deadline for providing final RDF files is 7th of August. Make sure
>>> your files fulfill the guidelines.
>>> All formats not fulfilling the guidelines will have to be removed from
>>> the ontology spec in order to allow the spec to enter PR.
>>> We are now very near the end of REC track. This work will be your last
>>> contribution allowing  to exit CR and enter PR. Your input is really
>>> critical.
>>> Best,
>>> Thierry
>>> [1]
>>> .html
>>> [2]
>>> s_for_ontology_examples.html
>>> -----------------------------------------
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Received on Wednesday, 20 July 2011 13:02:06 UTC