RE: Editors with Action Items

Hi Thierry, all

Regarding my Action Items:

1) LC Comment -2405: "Abstract and introduction should mention the definition of the RDF ontology"

I have gotten help from Tobias. Can you please add the following to the current version?

* For the Abstract, after this sentence: "this document defines a core set of metadata properties for media resources, along with their mappings to elements from a set of existing metadata formats."

Besides that, the document presents a Semantic Web compatible implementation of the abstract ontology using RDF/OWL.

* For the Introduction, after this sentence: "The ontology is accompanied by an API (see API for Media Resources 1.0) that provides a uniform access to all of its elements."

Furthermore a Semantic Web compatible implementation of the ontology is available which is presented in Section 7 of this document. This implementation uses the Semantic Web ontology languages RDF/OWL and its derivation from the core vocabulary is presented in detail with it. 

* For the Introduction for the ontology spec (beginning):

This section presents an implementation of the Ontology for Media Resource as a Semantic Web ontology. At first a namespace for the ontology is defined (Section 7.1). Secondly, an implementation guideline is given which details how the core vocabulary defined in this specification relates to the RDF vocabulary (Section 7.2). Finally Section 7.3 presents an RDF vocabulary which implements the abstract ontology using RDF and OWL.
The ontology is a valid OWL2 DL ontology and it can be directly used to describe media resource on the Web in a Semantic Web and Linked Data compatible way.
The ontology has been built using standard ontology engineering methodologies in a small expert group inside the MAWG working group.

2)  LC Comment -2418: No action needed!
It is stated for each section whether it's normative or not, I don't better way of saying it!


-----Original Message-----
From: Thierry MICHEL [] 
Sent: den 19 januari 2011 08:59
To: Joakim Söderberg; Daniel Park;; ???;
Subject: Editors with Action Items

Hi joakim, Daniel, Chris,  Wonsuk,

Here are some remaining ACTIONS for you in order to have the Ontology to 
move to CR.


-- LC Comment -2418: NO - partially implemented
Fininsh the style sheet issue.


-- LC Comment -2405: NO - partially implemented:1.1 Purpose of this 
(Action to Joakim to add a paragraph)
make the set of classes and properties the Ontology defines and the 
values. and provide an implementation of the vocabulary in RDF.
--> Joakim, Is this done ?

The abstract and introduction should mention the definition of the RDF 
ontology and the mapping table that will come with it.
--> The abstract and introduction sdoes not mention the definition of 
the RDF ontology

-- LC Comment -2418: NO - partially implemented (Edits are missing)
In general it would be helpful if you could be clearer about what the
normative statements apply to. What is it that MUST do this or that? Is
it an abstract usage of an ontology? A concrete implementation?
Something else?
-->ACTION Joakim: Is this now more clear ?

-- LC Comment -2418: NO - partially implemented

* substantial17:
→ the example of a geocoordinateis is *not added*
Resolutuon was: [About ""it MAY also define a coordinate system that can 
be used to interpret these measurements" Is there a controlled 
vocabulary for these? ", we will give an example of a geocoordinate that 
can be used in this case and rephrase the sentence to avoid the 
confusion about "interpreting the measurements" in the next version of 
the document.]
--> ACTION is for Daniel to write to the Geolocation WG for a suggestion.


-- LC Comment -2394 : NO - partially implemented :  text is still at 
beginning of section 3.1.
ACTION: Chris to implement issue from lc 2394 regarding HTML5 - 
HTMLMediaElement implements MediaResource

Received on Sunday, 23 January 2011 17:48:32 UTC