RE: [AGENDA] Media Annotations WG Teleconf - 2011-02-08

Apologies for tomorrow. I am at the W3C Web&TV seminar in Berlin.

I am waiting for final comments on the RDF and may send a new version later today with minor changes.

I feel I have restate my opinion about the values of the ma:compression attribute.

The current situation is that the value can be "URI or string".

There is a proposal to make it URI only.

I am personally in favour or leaving some flexibility at this stage. I can personally do URI only but I am not sure it is true for all the community.

If there were a decision taken to change compression to URI only, I would therefore require that the same logic to have only dereferencable values applies to all pairs URI/string, which should be changed to URI only.

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Thierry MICHEL
Sent: lundi, 7. février 2011 09:59
To: Joakim Söderberg;
Subject: [AGENDA] Media Annotations WG Teleconf - 2011-02-08

Dear all,
Here is the agenda for tomorrow telecon.
Joakim and Daniel are not available, therefore Joakim asked me to chair
tomorrow. Joakim may join the conf

Best Regards,


1. Convene
Media Annotations WG
Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 6294 ("MAWG") Alternative dial
France (Nice): +
UK (Bristol) : +44.117.370.6152
IRC channel: #mediaann
Tuesday 2011-02-08 12:00-13:00 UTC, (ie, Amsterdam, Paris, Stockholm 13:00)
Regrets: Daniel.
Chair: Thierry
Scribe: volunteer?

Minutes to appear:

Propose to accept F2F minutes: (last week telecon was cancelled)

2. Next meeting
2011/02/15 at the F2F.

3. Next 10th MAWG F2F meeting in Cupertino, CA (US) hosted by Apple,
15-16 February 2011.

Please answer the registration page and say if you will attend or not.

Workshop at Ericsson in San Jose, after next F2F in the Valley (17/2).
Please reply Joakim email

4. Items
[A] Action items:

[B] Follow up on Implementation of LC comments,

** Ontology : We are done with LC comments !

only one small issue from Jean Pierre for
for  ma:compression, use of ea dereferencable URIs

** API: We are done with LC comments !

1- Media Ontology spec, can we move it to 2nd LC?

Asked everybody to review carefully the Media Ontology spec,

Two responses:
- from Werner:

- from Mari Carmen:

2- Media API spec and API discussion

Following last week discussion on API, Florian has sent a proposal


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Received on Monday, 7 February 2011 09:06:19 UTC