RE: Review of PR version of ontology document

Hi. Werner and Martin.
It's really great job. Thanks a lot ;)

Best regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bailer, Werner []
> Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 3:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: Review of PR version of ontology document
> Dear all,
> Martin and I have reviewed the PR version of the document in the last
> weeks. Here are comments on two topics: editorial issues in the document
> and issues with the testsuite (summarised below, but Martin has already
> posted them to the list).
> 1. Editorial comments about the ontology document
> - Veronique's affiliation in the editor list: VU is listed in the
> acknowledgements and in the W3C member listing as "Vrije Universiteit"
> - section 1 introduction
> -- first par: "non available" -> "not available"
> -- second par: "will introduce a certain loss in semantic", propose to
> replace "will" by "may"
> -- 2nd and 3rd bullet point on Dublin Core: remove "the" before "Dublin
> Core"
> - references to formats are inhomogeneous, sometimes uses square brackets,
> sometimes not, e.g. "EXIF" vs. "[FRBR]" in section 1
> - section 1.1
> -- 3rd par: "they widespread use" -> "their ...", also their seems to
> refer to tech properties, but could also read as referring to container
> formats, this should be clarified
> - section 1.1.1
> -- dig35, mrss and ogg include values in the examples, others not
> - section 1.1.2
> -- ogg and webm include values in the examples, others not
> -- missing example for flv
> - section 3 / Property
> -- Dublin Core should be a link to the reference
> - section 4
> -- the first sentence of the note "Currently, ..." should be dropped
> -- the second sentence of the note should be part of the text rather than
> a note
> - section 5.1.2
> -- copyright: the sentence "Other issues related to DRM ..." seems
> outdated and should be changed, as policy allows referencing licenses
> -- frameSize: "units MUST be interpreted as pixels" should probably say
> "values ..."	
> -- compression: put mmyyyy under quotes or in italics
> -- format: insert "/container types" after "bucket media types"
> - section
> -- definition of more specific/generic: specific is defined as "contain a
> superset of the semantics", generic as "semantics that is broader" -- this
> is in fact the same. In accordance with the examples
> -- generic vs. general: the definition uses the term "more generic", while
> the mapping tables use "more general"; this should be harmonised (more
> general seems to be better, as it corresponds to the term used by SKOS)
> - section 5.2.2
> -- column "spec": the column is not present in any of the tables
> (sometimes there is an untitled columns such as in CableLabs)
> -- "into an updated of this" -> "into an updated version of this"
> - MPEG-7 mapping table:
> -- date: change the mapping type to "more specific"
> -- policy: add to both the MPEG-7 and XPath columns "or
> UsageInformation/Rights", change the mapping type to "more general"
> - SMPTE DMS-1 mapping table:
> -- date: change the mapping type to "more specific"
> - section 6.1
> -- heading starts with "Example 1", in contrast to the headings of other
> examples
> -- section 6.2
> -- "not a use case that has been considered": "originally" should be
> inserted, as this section actually considers the use case
> - section 6.4
> -- first par: "gerenal" -> "general"
> -- there is <tt></tt> markup throughout the section, which probably should
> be formating rather than being verbatim code
> - annex B references
> -- the CR of the Media Fragment Spec should be referenced, and it should
> not say "W3C Recommendation" as it does now
> 2. Issues in the test suite
> There are a few issues with the test suite files (e.g. RDF/XML was
> but Turtle version of the same file is outdated or missing). Martin has
> reported these issues in the following mails to the group:
> annotation/2011Dec/0032.html
> annotation/2011Dec/0008.html
> annotation/2011Dec/0007.html
> annotation/2011Dec/0006.html
> For many of these issues, fixed version of the mentioned files have
> already been posted to the list.
> Best regards,
> Martin and Werner
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Werner Bailer
>   Audiovisual Media Group
>   DIGITAL - Institute of Information and Communication Technologies
>   JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
>   Steyrergasse 17, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA
>   phone:  +43-316-876-1218            personal fax: +43-316-876-91218
>   mobile: +43-699-1876-1218            general fax: +43-316-876-1191
>   web:
>   e-mail:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Received on Friday, 23 December 2011 00:39:14 UTC