RE: [mawg] action-249: rdfs taskforce update

Hello Tobias,

It looks like very similar to what I would have done.

Of course, there are some issues like naming convention of properties like the "is-a" style or not.

The other issue, going one step further is about e.g. title or description types.  My proposal for this is as follows: e.g. title types like 'main' should be sub-properties of the title property. In practice, migrating to RDF would require taking all controlled terms from the predefined list of types and change them into subproperties. If you update the list, then you create a new sub-property -> this is taking benefit of the scalability of the RDF model.



-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Tobias Bürger
Sent: lundi, 31. mai 2010 11:01
Subject: [mawg] action-249: rdfs taskforce update

Dear all,

with respect to my action-249: I hacked the first version of our ma-ont 
proposal. You can find a visualization of it at

I will add a documentation and the sources to the mawg wiki latest 
tomorrow on the same page.

Any feedback and contributions more than welcome!

Best regards,


Dr. Tobias Bürger         Knowledge and Media Technologies Group
Salzburg Research                           FON +43.662.2288-415
Forschungsgesellschaft                      FAX +43.662.2288-222
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5/III
A-5020 Salzburg | AUSTRIA

Received on Monday, 31 May 2010 09:17:11 UTC