Re: mediaont-10 RDFs availabilty?

Felix Sasaki wrote:

> It is OK with the W3C process to have a taskforce inside the working group
> if the working group agrees to do that. 

Yes I agree to the above statement we can have subset of participants 
working on a task and propose it to the WG.

The rule we have to follow is that the deliverables are in scope with 
our charter.

Which seems to be the case for denifing the RDF
representation of the ontology.

I read in the Charter;

"The intent is to help publishers to harmonize metadata information 
encoded in different languages but also to help developers with the lack 
of syntactic and semantic interoperability. Ultimately, users of the 
ontology should also be able to take advantage of Semantic Web 
technologies, such as the SPARQL Query Language for RDF.
The Group should also consider making the underlying media metadata 
available to a browser ECMAScript API in some simple RDF form, 
especially as a number of the underlying data formats permit full RDF. "

@ Daniel: How about asking people on
> the call tomorrow if they agree with the taskforce? If yes, we can have the
> taskforce call tomorrow. Thierry, what do you think?

Tomorrow is short notice to reserve a bridge with the Admin team. But if 
needed,I could set up a conference on the fly.

Also remenber that between March 14 and March 28, the time difference 
between US and Europe will be 1 hour less than it currently is.


Received on Monday, 15 March 2010 09:18:14 UTC