RE: [mawg] [rdfs taskforce] action-249: RDFS version of ma-ont availble

In the RDFS ontology, I assume that Audio and Image, should also be subclassed from MediaResource.


General comments, starting from the Ontology document [1]:

·         Should the ontology more closely represent the “ontology” described in the Ontology document?

·         The ma:identifier property holds both the actual id and a category of the identifier (see [1]).

 So would it make sense to make identifier an ObjectProperty pointing to an Identifier  Class, which has two dataproperties ( id, range: URI and type, range: String)?

·         The same holds for title and all other “subtype properties”. I read somewhere that you want to use subproperties for types of titles. E.g., make mainTitle a subproperty of the title dataproperty?

It would be good to add such a subproperty already to the ontology.

·         I find it strange that Persons and organizations are subclasses of Creators, Publishers, and Contributors. IMO this makes no sense, because this states that all persons are Creators, Publishers and Contributors… I would prefer to include Agent taking Persons, Organizations as subclass (like in FOAF). (Is there a reason for not reusing FOAF classes?).            

Additionally, I would make Contributor a subclass of Agent. So if we have a Person Instance Person_0 and add a  MediaResource_0 hasContributor Person_0  it can be deduced that Person_0 is both a person and contributor (the same is possible for organizations). 

·         How is the role defined for contributors/creators?

·         When I open the ontology in Protégé, I see the Person classes at different places, is it necessary to explicitly state that Person is a subclass of Thing , or was this generated automatically?

·         How will the different types of dates be defined?

·         Could you give an example of instance data for the SKOS:Concept used for genre/keyword/rating/targetaudience?

·         For the collections, inverse properties would be usefull

·         For the fragments, how about making MediaFragment a subclass from MediaResource?

·         Add a label dataproperty, range:string to the NamedMediaFragment Class 

·         Add the technical properties to the correct subclass of MediaResource (e.g., frameWidth and frameHeight for Image and Video, samplingRate for Audio)

·         I think it would be nice to add annotations to the different classes, properties, and so on.

·         Should these tracks be included as separate classes? Are these also MediaResources, or even MediaFragments? The ontologydoc does not include information on the tracks themselves, only on the number J

Some comments on Jean-Pierre’s comments I added inline below ([CP])



Kind regards,












From: [] On Behalf Of Evain, Jean-Pierre
Sent: maandag 7 juni 2010 11:32
To: 'Tobias Bürger';
Subject: RE: [mawg] [rdfs taskforce] action-249: RDFS version of ma-ont availble


Hello Tobias,


A few comments:


-          When looking at the ontology in Protégé, datatype like integer appear as classes… That is weird.


[CP] I don’t have this problem, Which version of Protégé are you using? 


-          This is why you have what I believe is a wrong use of 'object properties'.  For example, bitrate should be a dataproperty  of media resource instantiated by an integer (not a float ;-) 


[CP] (In the version that I see online, bitrate is  a dataproperty)

In fact, the ontology document states that bitrate is a Float, maybe we should also rename this property to averageBitrate as in the ontology document?


-          Language is not a class but an object property linking to a SKOS concept or a data property linking to a string -> the same for e.g. compression, format, genre, keyword, rating and targetAudience



[CP] In the version I have, language is a dataproperty, so I am beginning to think that I am reviewing a revised version?


-          Person should also be a subclass of Actor and probably organisation could also appear where person is.

-          The flattest the better: I would avoid nesting too much things like audio/video, tracks and then audio/video tracks

-          partOfCollection could be replaced by a more generic isMemberOf

-          relation would sound better like isRelatedTo and all Dublin Core relation could be subproperties

-          For the datatype of samplingRate, we often use rationals, which don't exist in RDF -> float?

-          Some properties are functional

-          Some properties are inverse, which I believe needs to be completed by proper object properties

-          Time to think of appropriate inverse properties for more inference


I have put a revised version here: 


To be discussed J






From: [] On Behalf Of Tobias Bürger
Sent: jeudi, 3. juin 2010 08:03
Subject: Re: [mawg] [rdfs taskforce] action-249: RDFS version of ma-ont availble


Hi John,

starting next week is fine - every review is more than welcome!

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


Am 03.06.2010 03:08, schrieb Strassner John Charles: 

Hallo Tobias,

I am happy to provide a review of both the RDFS and OWL documents; however, I cannot start the review until next week. I hope that is OK.


--- Original Message ---
>From : "Tobias Bürger" <> <>
To :  <> "" <> <>
Date : 2010/06/02 Wednesday PM 5:51:18
Subject : [mawg] [rdfs taskforce] action-249: RDFS version of ma-ont availble

Dear all, 

I have now also uploaded the RDFS version of the first implementation of 

You can find it here: 
Browsable version: <> &r=http%3A// 

I am still looking for a volunteer to provide a review and to suggest 
changes, extensions, etc. for both RDFS and OWL versions of ma-ont. Thanks. 

Best regards, 


Dr. Tobias Bürger Knowledge and Media Technologies Group 
Salzburg Research FON +43.662.2288-415 
Forschungsgesellschaft FAX +43.662.2288-222 
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5/III 
A-5020 Salzburg | AUSTRIA 



Dr. Tobias Bürger         Knowledge and Media Technologies Group
Salzburg Research                           FON +43.662.2288-415
Forschungsgesellschaft                      FAX +43.662.2288-222
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5/III
A-5020 Salzburg | AUSTRIA 

Received on Friday, 11 June 2010 06:54:47 UTC