RE: Editors for ontology doc (Action 164)

Hi. Joakim.

Felix is also one of co-editor for ontology doc. J


Best regards,



From: Joakim Söderberg [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 7:56 PM
To: 이원석; Veronique Malaise; Tobias Bürger; Florian Stegmaier
Subject: Editors for ontology doc (Action 164)


Best Ontology Doc editors,


I have assembled our answers to "Why not use DC?" under:


My idea is that we could perhaps formualte a paragraph that explains why DC elements occur, and put it in version 2.0 of the Ontology Document.

In that way we will avoid having this question reoccur in the future!


What do you say?



Received on Wednesday, 21 October 2009 13:15:14 UTC