Regrets for tomorrow

Dear all,


First of all I want to express my congratulations about the progress that
was made during the F2F in Barcelona. Unfortunately, I have not found the
time to thoroughly analyse the new mapping table and revised documents, but
will give my comments as soon as possible. I am in the midst of preparing
for my PhD exam (which is the main reason for my lack of time) so I regret
for tomorrow's phone conference.


Kind regards,


Chris Poppe
Ghent University - IBBT
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electronics and Information Systems (ELIS)
Multimedia Lab Gaston Crommenlaan 8 bus 201
B-9050 Ledeberg-Ghent


t: +32 9 33 14959
f: +32 9 33 14896
t secr: +32 9 33 14911
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Received on Monday, 4 May 2009 08:37:10 UTC