Re: AW: [mawg] reviewing ID3v2

> One reasons for not including size were that it does not apply to
> fragments, while the other two properties do.


> I also believe that
> Dave was in favour of having bit rate instead of file size w.r.t.
> streaming media.

For streaming media, I understand it better.

> We can nonetheless decide to add file size, but looking at it more
> globally, there are many properties in many formats that might be
> useful in some cases but cannot be mapped to ma:* - that's inevitable
> when defining a small set of properties.

That is very true as a general remark.
I guess one way to decide is to see what would be the usage of the 
various ma properties. The question is therefore: is the fileSize a 
sufficiently important annotation property to be explicitly represented?


Raphaël Troncy
EURECOM, Multimedia Communications Department
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Received on Monday, 7 December 2009 10:20:20 UTC