Re: some extra (generic) UC's & some thoughts about XG

Hello Erik,

thank you for this mail. Some comments below.

erik mannens さんは書きました:
> (more generic) use cases for the media ontology
> ===============================
> · multimedia search
I opened an issue 6083 for the "mutimedia search" use case
> o classic facetted browsing (cfr. /facet [1])
> o software agents matching user preferences with media annotations 
> (cfr. [2])
I think [2] is issue 6064, could you check?
> o matching/merging UC of Veronique Malaise in her mail last friday
> · multimedia adaptation
"multimedia adaption" is now issue 6084
> o adapting multimedia streams on shot or scene level, based on its 
> media annotations (e.g., remove violent scenes which were indicated in 
> the media annotation)
> o Region Of Interest selection. Select only a specific region from the 
> frame/image, based on its media annotations
> · multimedia presentation
"multimedia presentation" is now issue 6086
> o enhanced multimedia players (for example [3] and [4])
> · multimedia sharing
"multimedia sharing" is now issue 6085
> o between different users
> o between different platforms (e.g., Flickr, Picasa, Webshots, ...)
> · tagging (cfr. MMSEM use case [5])
> [1] Hildebrand et al.: <a 
> href=" 
> <>">/facet: A 
> browser for heterogeneous semantic web repositories</a>.
> [2] Park et al. <a 
> href=" 
> <>">Video 
> Recommendation Based on User Preference on the Web</a>.
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> Metadata standard description

This description relates to issue 6054. Any opinion on what to put in 
scope / out of scope? I hope that we can come up with theses too lists 
rather soon. See separeate mail following soon.

> ===================
> From the MMSEM XG we could extract following strandards:
> · still images: VRA, Exif, DIG35, PhotoRDF
> · audio: ID3, MusicBrainz, MusicXML
> · audio/video: MPEG-7, AAF, MXF
> · presentations: SMIL, SVG
> · specific domains: NewsML, TVAnytime, P-Meta
> · other: Dublin Core, XMP, MPEG-21
> We should “pick one metadata standard and pull out requirements, but 
> not tight to the XG document”. There are not many other standards to 
> be elaborated on, right? It was the task of our XG to make an 
> exhaustive listing. Couldn’t we start just using all these documents 
> from the late MMSEM XG (as Tobias already started)?

Yes. I have opened all these issues just to close them ASAP by saying 
"our ontology will cover the topic or not". That and the actual text 
from the requirements document can be based on the MMSEM XG documents as 
much as possible.

> Some last thought
> ============
> · we should not be too specific and also try to solve generic use cases

Good point & agree. Erik and all: please have a look at and check what issues you think are too 
generic and could be merged / generalized with others.


> Sincere greetings and ‘till next week,
> Davy & Erik
> Gaston Crommenlaan 8 bus 201
> B-9050 Ledeberg-Ghent, Belgium
> T: +32 9 331 49 93
> F: +32 9 331 48 96
> M: +32 473 27 44 17

Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2008 06:41:56 UTC