Re: evaluation of the XMPMM:history property => Action 44

Hello Frank,

thank you very much for this analysis. I think what is now missing is
knowledge about how the property is actually used in applications of
XMP. I will try to gather some feedback on that.


Frank Nack さんは書きました:
> Dear all,
> please find below the analysis regarding the XMPMM:'history' property. I
> addressed the use-cases mentioned in the 'use case and requirements
> document' :
> A reminder: this is what this property is all about:
> an ordered array of high level user actions that resulted in this resource
> Overall, it seems to me that it would be good to adapt the history
> property but it might be interesting to extend the array by not only
> keeping the traces collected while generating the item but also those
> that were collected while using the media document (here one could think
> of splittings for a single user, a group or the public). Just a suggestion.
> Best
> frank
> ----- evaluation ------
> 5.2 Audiovisual archive as a Cultural Heritage Institution
> This is in general a relevant for this property. As particular searches
> are suggested the 'history' property can provide additional context
> information that relate the search to the 'intention' of the document
> when it was created. Also, as the user scenario suggests that a new
> document that is currently build needs to be annotated, with a history
> property parts of that can be achieved automatically (e.g. by analyzing
> and selecting appropriate actions form an action log).
> result: the history property is useful.
> 5.3 Recommendation across different media types
> The description of the use case states: .... To achieve better user
> experience, user history based recommendation is very promising.
> This is an example where the history property could be used to not only
> collect information while generating the media document but rather
> collecting information of its use. The statistics collected can then be
> interpreted by the application that searched for the information.
> Important here is to define which type of structures are required =>
> e.g. access time, access duration, access interaction)
> result: potentially useful
> 5.4 Life Log
> This example use case expands the history aspect and distributes it over
> the documents themselves. Based on this use case it can be seen that
> some of the information that the current XMPMM:history property
> describes a particular but relevant aspect of its history. This use case
> would be a good place to study which type of historic data needs to be
> captured for determining its proper use in changing contexts and which
> of theses aspects should be covered in the history property.
> Result: usefull
> 5.5 Access via web client to metadata in heterogeneous formats
> Having a history property an additional query could be:
> 'Find me all videos which followed the same development steps then the
> one I am currently working on". The aim of such a query would be to find
> solutions for problems faced in particular working steps within a process.
> Result: potentially useful.
> 5.6 User generated Metadata
> The history property would be metadata users generate automatically
> while working on a document (perhaps without knowing, such as those
> currently collected by cameras). The problem is to think about stepes
> one normally would not think of to log, e.e. deleting elements (though
> important as those describe the intelectual context of the document
> development - the interpretation of a media document is always based on
> the potential choices we do not see but can imagine - this is one basis
> on how humans evaluate the value of a media document). Here it really
> depends on the application.
> result: potentially useful.

Received on Monday, 22 December 2008 01:36:52 UTC