Minutes: MathML intent meeting, 25 March


David Carlisle

Sam Dooley

David Farmer

Paul Libbrecht

Louis Maher

Steve Noble

Murray Sargent

Neil Soiffer

Laurence Zaysser

Moritz Schulbot

Deyan Ginev

Regrets: Patrick Ion, Bruce Miller

The meeting was recorded:  there is a problem with the link, I will send it

Thanks to Louis for once again taking notes.


1.  Announcements/updates

NS: We had thirty six votes for the charter.

People objected to the comment that “that things not connected to the web”
were out of scope of the new specification. This language was dropped.

2.  Follow up on David Farmer PreTeXt presentation

DF: apologized for not knowing about unicode math.  He wants Space Math to
be backwards compatible with latex and ascii math and now unicode math.

MS: has made a unicode code converter.

MSC: Are we supporting several input methods into MathML?

NS: MathML will not support a specific input method.  We are trying to make
the intent clear.

DF: Space Math might be converted into an internal representation from
which it can be output in many formats.

MSC: suggested comparing the internal representations of several input
methods so that better methods of encoding the intent can be developed.

NS: Showed a math equation that currently can not be done in MathML due to
the symbols used in the equation. Perhaps something could be done with
intent to explain the equation. The equation is a diagram.

NS: Perhaps someone is writing a macro to generate this diagram-based
equation.  Perhaps the macro could give guidance on how to speak the

DG: We want the authors to give an accessible output for this equation.

NS: The law may require that the equation be accessible.  Perhaps the
authors may have to develop tools to make this type of equation accessible.

3.  Any updates on new highschool math that Deyan has had the patience to
sit through

DG: Found different ways to speak powers in the KHan academy examples.

4. Reflection on where we are at and where we should head WRT author intent

NS: Should the mathML spec have requirements for screen readers along with
browsers? Should this be part of the specification, or just a note added to
the specification?

NS: Perhaps we should review where we are on intent currently.

We should discuss what currently is in the spec, what is missing, and what
has been accepted by the browser developers.

PL: will cover Apple.


Received on Wednesday, 31 March 2021 00:30:41 UTC