Minutes: MathML Intent meeting 18 March, 2021

*Attendees:Neil SoifferDavid CarlisleDeyan GinevDavid FarmerMurray
SargentLouis MaherPatrick Ion Bruce MillerMoritz Schubotz*
*The meeting was recorded: *

Thanks to Louis for once again taking notes.

*Agenda:1.  Announcements/updates36 companies have voted for the
charter. Some people questioned the group’s delivery dates.2.  David Farmer
will present PreTeXt/Space MathDF: How do you write something that produces
MathML with intent.Working on a text base input option.His system is called
SpaceMath.DF: talk is at https://aimath.org/~farmer/spacemath/
<https://aimath.org/~farmer/spacemath/>Showed examples of ambiguous
notation.SpaceMath tries to be backward compatible with LaTeX.  This does
not work all the time.DF: Is interested in collecting difficult
examples.Some of his SpaceMath can look like Python.Defining absolute value
is one of these cases.SpaceMath does not require indentation.DF: is looking
for a good way to specify a vector.Showed a system of equations. Showed how
to continue a line into the next line and to not generate a new
line.Described his rules for giving the priority of operations. This is
necessary if there is not a clear use of parentheses.DF: Is looking for
people to help him with this project.DF: Wants the language to be totally
specified before he makes a parser.DF: showed how SpaceMath could specify
pre-subscripts and pre-superscripts.MS: Suggested alternative ways of doing
this.DC: Unicode math link:


Received on Thursday, 25 March 2021 03:18:35 UTC