Reminder: MathML Intent meeting Thursday, 1 April

Europe and the US are now both in sync for summer time, so Europe moves
back to it's normal time. We meet on Thursday, 10am Pacific, 1pm Eastern, *7pm
Central European Time.*

We will be using the zoom link from last week. For those with the calendar
invite, please note that the link does not have the password in it and you
need to enter that separately. If you would like to join and don't have the
link, please send me email at least 10 minutes before the meeting.

1.  Announcements/updates
2. As per a request last time: MathML 3 Copy/Paste review
    a) Murray will discuss the spec as it applies to Windows
    b) Paul will discuss how it works on MacOS (and iOS?)
    c) Unix anyone?
    d) What changes, if any should be made?

Time permitting
3. Sam will remind us on where we are WRT the intent proposal status


Received on Wednesday, 31 March 2021 00:38:00 UTC