Proposed new distributed workshop schedule

Hi all,

This is my recap of the programming committee's discussion today, for what
the workshop will look like now that we're not having an in-person event in

Please reply with comments or corrections in the next few days, so we can
update the website on Monday. Once we're all agreed, please also reach out
to all your contacts that you'd told about the workshop, to inform them of
the updated plan.

Our next programming committee call is April 2. By then, we want to have a
clear idea of technical / logistical options for the distributed workshop
(including any feedback from possible participants), so that we can
finalize the call for participation.

The W3C/OGC Workshop on Maps for the Web will go ahead in 2020 as an
online, distributed discussion forum. Presentations, demos, and panel
sessions will be conducted as video-conferences (or optionally pre-recorded
video presentations) which will be posted online for asynchronous viewing.
Discussion and questions will be via written forums over the course of a
month. There will be discussions specifically around the presentations, as
well as the possibility of participant-initiated discussion topics.

We will still encourage presentations to be short, and there will still be
the option to submit written position statements. Presentations will be
grouped into themes, with one theme posted online per day.

Mid April: Call for Participation opens
*(June 15−19: OGC Technical committee meetings)*
June 30: Deadline for submissions for CFP
August 1: Agenda/presenters list announced
*(September 14−18: OGC Technical committee meetings)*
September 21 − October 2: Panel presentations posted online, one theme per
day (exact number of days TBD)
September 14 − October 31: Online discussion forums open for comments and
questions about the presentations, or as breakout discussions
*(October 26−30: W3C TPAC meetings)*
January (2021): Final report summarizing the workshop themes, concerns, and
conclusions from the discussion.


Received on Thursday, 12 March 2020 18:22:28 UTC