Are we going to try to get the Metadata on hover SC in 2.1?

Hi Wayne and all everyone,

I ran across a new article related to GitHub SC Issue 75 [1] that you
are managing. It is  "How to Make Your Website Accessible to People
Who Use a Screen Magnifier" by Frederik Creemers.

He recommends:

1. Leave tooltips and other mouse-triggered pop-ups visible while the
mouse is on the displayed content.
2. Don't obscure content when the mouse is hovering over it...

Marla's Positioning Tooltips Above Triggers...and Keyboard Accessible
Demos is at:

Related email thread from April:

* Positioning Tooltips - Revisiting Hover SC

* Lets Change Meta Data Back, and Put it on the agenda

I am wondering if are we going to try to get this SC into 2.1? If so,
the August deadline will be here before we know it.


Kindest Regards,


Laura L. Carlson

Received on Sunday, 11 June 2017 15:30:36 UTC