Re: line height info

Hi Alastair, Erich, Shawn, Wayne, Andrew, Josh, Jim, and all,

Alastair, using moderate spacing values would be my thought for the
new merged SC. I created a new "Ability to Override" SC Wiki page with
the required sections for an SC. It combines Issue 79 Font Family, 78
Spacing, and 74 Text Color. And is at:
Edit at will!

For rationale for the spacing metrics I linked to the References page
in the LVTF Wiki.
Thanks again Shawn for putting the line spacing references there.

Wayne, it would be great if you could put your references for
letter-spacing and word-spacing on that page too. Or just let me know
and I can add them.

We probably should get the spacing metrics settled and the proposal
into the 2.1 GitHub very soon so the full working group can review it.

Josh and Andrew, how would you like us to handle the merged SC in GitHub?

* Make a new GitHub issue and close 74, 78, and 79? or
* Use one of the existing issues that is being merged and close the other 2? or
* Something else?

David has used Issue 78 to combine the 3 issues on his spreadsheet. I
have been managing that one. Erich is managing the other 2 (74 & 79).
It may make sense for Erich to manage the new merged proposal as he
has the majority of the proposals being merged and I have been a
principle driver for the merger. But whatever you like is fine with

Thank everyone.

Kindest Regards,

On Jan 27, 2017 3:12 AM, "Alastair Campbell" <> wrote:

> Thanks for that Shawn, lots of quality organisations there!
> I think we need to be clear what we’re aiming for, to stretch a metaphor:
> a large hammer will break things, a couple of small hammers might have
> enough power.
> If the SC text applies to whole pages (including navigation, menus, etc.)
> then it could create a high bar for conformance without (I think?) helping
> the end-users much.
> My assumption is that blocks of text are the most relevant for
> readability, things like menus & buttons tend to have space around them
> anyway?
> I think the two options are:
> 1. Use moderate values in the SC that apply to the whole page, and assume
> that people who need more also ‘linearize’, at which point menus etc. have
> their layout over-ridden anyway.
> 2. Use maximum (useful) values but narrow the scope to blocks of text.
> So question to the group: Would you prefer this SC apply to the whole page
> a bit, or blocks of text a lot?
> Or have I misunderstood the requirement?
> Cheers,
> -Alastair
> On 26/01/2017, 17:50, "Shawn Henry" <> wrote:
> In followup to today's call, I added more research and guidelines at:
> References#Leading
>     Thanks!
>     ~Shawn

Laura L. Carlson

Received on Saturday, 28 January 2017 17:47:02 UTC